I’m here to help you feel better.


Trauma causes lasting pain in our bodies. I guide body-based practices helping groups and individuals to heal from trauma and feel better.

Laura headshot Greenleaf

Laura Phoenix (she/they)

I help people heal from relational trauma through embodiment practices.

I’m intimately familiar with the pain of relational trauma because it nearly killed me. I’ve been through hypervigilance, panic attacks, night terrors, flashbacks and on the verge of suicide myself.

I know things now that I couldn’t see from the depths of my own pain. I’m well trained and practiced in helping to shift nervous systems from overwhelm to empowered possibility.

I teach folks to use the same tools that worked for me; yoga for trauma recovery (OMG different than what happens in your typical studio class!) and Somatic Experiencing including touch work.

The overall sense in my body has shifted from overwhelmed terror to empowered possibility—and that’s what I want for everyone I work with.

I emphatically welcome humans of all shapes, races and genders. I see the world from the perspective of a cis-ish, queer, white, able-bodied, neurodivergent woman. It is my honor to learn the perspective of the folks I serve.

If you’re ready for support, schedule a free consult and we can make a plan together.